Our Pathfinders have qualified for the North American Division Pathfinder Bible Experience Finals! On April 19-20, Pathfinders from across the country will travel to Greeley, Colorado to participate in this annual Bible memorization competition.
Our goal is for each of our participating members to have the opportunity to attend finals. . . and we need your help!
We need to raise $11,000 by April 14 to meet our goal - this is a big ask, but we know that if it is God's Will, then it will be accomplished! All donations will cover travel expenses to ensure that participants across both of our PBE teams (the Bible Blazers and the Conquerors) can take part in this incredible experience to learn about their Creator and fellowship with other believers!
Our goal is for each of our participating members to have the opportunity to attend finals. . . and we need your help!
We need to raise $11,000 by April 14 to meet our goal - this is a big ask, but we know that if it is God's Will, then it will be accomplished! All donations will cover travel expenses to ensure that participants across both of our PBE teams (the Bible Blazers and the Conquerors) can take part in this incredible experience to learn about their Creator and fellowship with other believers!
AMOUNT RAISED (as of April 12th):
There are two ways you can help us reach our $11,000 goal by April 14th:
You can donate using the giving form on this site. The form automatically says $20.24 as a nod to this year's competition, but any amount is greatly appreciated! Just click "Continue to give" and you will be able to change the donation amount to be whatever you are comfortable giving.
If you are not able to donate all at once, we are happy to take a promissory note, reach out to us at pathfinders@leesburgsda.church
If you are not able to donate all at once, we are happy to take a promissory note, reach out to us at pathfinders@leesburgsda.church
Whether or not you contribute financially, we ask that you share this site with your family and friends! You can copy the URL and paste it into a social media post, an email, or even just a text. We have also included a button below for you to easily share on Facebook!
Thank you for your commitment to supporting the spiritual development and educational opportunities for our youth!