Seeing God

“In the year the King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.” Isaiah 6:1

In the Bible, there are a handful of people who are given the opportunity to get a glimpse of God.
Most, if not all of them, struggled to describe with human words what they saw. Perhaps the
prophet Isaiah gives us the clearest record of his encounter with God.

King Uzziah was a great king. At the time of his passing, Israel is politically and economically
strong, but spiritually bankrupt. The death of King Uzziah created a vacuum of power that left
Israel vulnerable to the Assyrians and Egyptians. Devastated by the death of the king and by the
predicament Israel finds itself in, Isaiah made his way to the temple to worship and renew his

In the temple, Isaiah is given a vision and had the great privilege of seeing God. In this
experience, God wanted Isaiah to know that in spite of Assyria’s might and power, He is still all
mighty, all powerful and in control of the affairs on earth. Isaiah also learned that although his
earthly king was dead, his heavenly King was alive, God was still on His throne.

Isaiah saw the train of God’s robe, and it filled the temple. A monarch’s train signals the
presence of royalty. Notice how royal God is, “the train of His robe filled the temple.” God was
revealing to Isaiah then and to us today that He is not only sitting at the seat of power but He is
also all powerful, all royal, and almighty.

Isaiah’s encounter took place in front of God’s throne, the place of power. The good news is that
this honor is not only reserved for prophets. We are all welcomed to come before His throne in
worship. “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find
grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

Whatever you are facing in your life today, may you find solace in knowing that the King of
kings invites you to worship before His presence. It's in His presence where we find true peace
and comfort.

Grace and peace,

Semu Siologa
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