
“We will celebrate and praise you, Lord! You are good to us, and your love never fails.”
Psalms 106:1

As we enter into the holiday season, I am amazed at how fast this year has seemed to pass us by.
We are enjoying the beauty of fall season and all the array of colors that fill the landscape around
us. The changing of the season is also evident through the cooler temperatures and many
transitioning to warmer clothing. It is a reminder that change takes place each day around us, but
we can be assured that God never changes. His love for us never fails. He is the same yesterday,
today and forevermore.

This thanksgiving season may we offer God our thanks and praise for His goodness and
unchanging love. Thanksgiving and praise always go together. We cannot adequately praise God
without also being thankful. Thanksgiving differs from praise in that praise recognizes God for
who He is, and thanksgiving recognizes God for specific things He has done. It is my prayer that
we will reflect on all the answered prayers, spiritual blessings, relational blessings, and material
blessings that God has provided to you and I this year. May our hearts and prayers be filled with
much praise and thanksgiving always.

Dee and I are truly grateful for each of you, and praise God for the blessing of being a part of the
Leesburg SDA Church family. We want to thank you for the faithful and joyful giving of your
time, talents, and treasure to the mission and ministry of the church. May your homes and hearts
be filled with much love, peace and joy this thanksgiving season.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Pastor Semu

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